The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has recently shut down some scam telephone numbers and is re-directing people to Action Fraud.

As part of a successful police operation targeting investment fraud and advance fee phone scams, such as those relating to PPI claims, the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has shut down a series of fraud-related telephone numbers.
If you receive a message and call one of these telephone numbers, please be advised that you will hear a voice recording directing you here to the Action Fraud website instead. This re-direct is legitimate and has been requested by the police.
If you have not lost any money, you don’t need to take any further action. We are aware of the telephone re-direct and are working with the NFIB on this matter.
If you believe you have lost money, or if you believe you may have divulged any personal details in relation to this matter, then please report this to us online here.