Orange UK is warning everyone to watch out for messages from scammers pretending to be from the mobile phone company.

Orange UK has released the following statement about the scam:
We’re aware of an email scam or text scam with a hoax competition win that purports to be from Orange UK, offering a significant prize fund, if picked up from Orange offices in Bristol. Please be aware that this competition, and all associated emails are not from Orange, but are a hoax competition.
The hoax competition usually starts with messages and emails to a recipient suggesting that an Orange competition has been won, and asking to provide personal information or attend Orange's offices to collect a prize. If an individual receives an email or text message which looks like this, it is a scam and has nothing to do with Orange. We would never ask anyone to attend our offices before we release a prize that has been won in one of our own genuine competitions.
We urge any individual to read the content of any emails carefully and not to reply to them or act on them if they suspect they may not be genuine.
If you have paid money to claim a hoax competition prize, we advise you to report it to Action Fraud.
Scam emails should be forwarded onto and you can also email us at
See also:
Advance fee fraud
Prize draw scams
Have you won the Nokia lottery? No, it's a scam