Fraudsters are sending out scam emails with a suspicious attachment and contact number that suggest you might have damaged a car.

The emails ask you to download and review “photographies in the attached Damage_report_Toyota2014.Zip file” which is likely to contain a virus. The scammers also ask you to call a suspicious number after reviewing the “evidence” which is possibly premium rate or a method to get victims engaged in the scam.
The sort of information it asks you to provide should only be given to the police or insurance company dealing with an accident or claim.
If you receive one of these emails, delete it, do not download the attachment or call the number and report it to us.
An example scam email looks like this:
Subject: Traffic collision
How’s it going?
Somebody, may be you, have damaged my car, photographies in the attached ZIP-archive.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Date and time of crash
- Precise location of crash
- Details of others involved, drivers/passengers/owners/vehicles/witnesses – details of your injuries and other persons injuries
- Crash features (traffic control, road features, road alignment, other conditions)
- Total estimated cost of damages to all vehicles and property
- Description of how the crash happened
Look at it and call me as soon as possible.
[Numbers redacted] 209-43-34
To report a fraud and receive a police crime reference number, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use our Alert: Beware of scam parking fine emails